Engage Now Africa (ENA) has called on all Ghanaians to desist from discriminating against persons with albinism.
Development Diaries reports that the non-governmental organisation (NGO) made the call to mark the 2023 International Albinism Awareness Day.
International Albinism Awareness Day is observed annually on 13 June to create awareness about a genetic skin condition called albinism and promote the rights and regulations of albinism on a global level.
According to 2015 The Civil and Political Rights of Ghanaians with Albinism report by Under the Same Sun, there are between 1,800 and 5,400 Ghanaians with albinism.
It is understood that despite the ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the rights of Ghanaians with albinism remain unrealised.
For her part, the Country Director of ENA, Cecelia Amankwah, reiterated the importance of the day as it holds immense significance in providing an opportunity to shed light on the challenges faced by individuals with albinism.
Giving his remarks, ENA’s Albinism Programme Coordinator, Kwame Daklo, said increased awareness was necessary as albinism was often associated with various myths, misconceptions and superstitions in many communities.
Daklo said when people are well informed about albinism, it would reduce incidences where individuals with albinism face barriers to education, employment, health care and social participation.
‘Persons with albinism are just like every other human being so let us stop the discrimination against them to promote understanding while advocating for the protection of the rights of this marginalised group’, he said.
Photo source: Kidology