Ghana: Benemef Foundation Delivers Wheelchairs

The Benemef Foundation has provided 58 wheelchairs and walking sticks to stroke patients and people living with disabilities (PWDs) in three communities in Ghana’s Greater Accra and Volta regions.

Development Diaries reports that the support is part of the foundation’s intervention for vulnerable groups in Kpone, Peki Adzokoe and Tsrukpe communities.

Other interventions include donating solar panels and lights to the community to help improve residents’ night visibility, safety and security.

According to the 2021 population and housing census, PWDs constitute eight percent of Ghana’s population, representing 2,098,138 persons.

PWDs in Ghana have some of the worst outcomes in health, education, economic and work activity participation, and higher rates of poverty and vulnerability.

Speaking on the foundation’s work, the Chief Executive Officer of Benemef Foundation, Benjamin Opare, said the foundation has a vested interest in giving humanity hope, especially to people without access to essential resources.

Opare said, ‘it is against the backdrop that Benemef Foundation, single-handedly provided counterpart funding for the construction of 58 household toilets for eligible beneficiaries under the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) Sanitation and Water Project’.

Benemef Foundation’s intervention is in partnership with Wanda Evans-Brewer, a philanthropist.

Photo source: Ghanaian Times


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