Ghana: AHP Donates Boreholes to Communities

The Africa Heartwood Project (AHP), a US-based Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) with support from its donors has constructed boreholes for seven rural communities in two districts in the country. The beneficiary communities are Kankamkrom, Abura Oframoase, and Twerenyame, in the Abura Asebu Kwamankese in the Central Region and Botwe, Akyem Oframoase, Agyei Ekura, and Dwendaama, in the Asene-Manso-Akroso District in the Eastern Region.

The projects were executed by Action against Rural Poverty (AARP), a Ghanaian partner based in Agona Swedru with the objective of providing potable water to the beneficiary rural communities in the wake of the spread of Covid-19. The project which started in January 2020 was completed in April at the cost of $35,000 (₵185,500). The project was undertaken through the benevolence of donors from the US, namely, Friends of Africa Heartwood (FAH), Cocoa Community Project (CCP), Michael Foundation (MF), and Planet Therapy (PT).

It was noted that before the project, residents of the beneficiary communities relied on streams and other water sources for their daily activities which exposed them to water-borne diseases. School children on a daily basis were compelled to comb around every morning and evening to fetch water to be used at home. During the dry seasons, residents had no option than to walk for several hours in search of water for their daily activities.

However, the provision of the boreholes for the residents is a huge sigh of relief as it would go a long way to improve the quality of their lives.

The Chief Executive Officer of AHP, Andy Jones, stated that the vision of the NGO was to ensure that many rural communities were provided with water to improve their standard of living. He added that water is one of the basic necessities of life which must be readily available, especially to the rural poor, and that the mandate of AHP was to increase access to clean water supply by rural dwellers.

He admonished the residents of the communities to take good care of the project and ensure its regular maintenance so as to prolong its lifespan for the benefit of future generations. He added that the provision of the boreholes came at a time when water had become essential in the fight against Covid-19, and urged the residents to take advantage of the availability of water in their respective communities to ensure regular handwashing among themselves.

The Chief Executive Officer of AARP, Madam Gladys Afua Kwatema Yamoah, thanked the Abura Asebu Kwamankese and Asene-Manso-Akroso district assemblies for their support towards the speedy completion of the projects. She noted that AARP has constructed 36 boreholes in some rural areas since 2007 and would continue to partner with other NGOs to increase access to water, particularly for under-served communities across the country.

She urged the residents to maintain the projects so that they would not go back to their old ways of walking hours in search of water.

Source: Graphic Online

Photo source: Alcidesota


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