Ethiopia: Respect Human Rights Commitment

The widespread occurrence of extrajudicial killings in Ethiopia not only violates the rights of Ethiopians but also poses significant challenges to the country’s stability and democratic development.

Development Diaries reports that in Bahir Dar, the regional capital of Amhara, the Ethiopian National Defence Forces (ENDF) extrajudicially killed civilians and, in certain instances, denied relatives the opportunity to bury their loved ones.

According to new findings by Amnesty International, ENDF soldiers extrajudicially executed six civilians in Abune Hara and Lideta neighbourhoods of Kebele 14 area on 08 August, 2023.

The findings also reveal how, two months later, on 10 and 11 October, members of the ENDF extrajudicially killed six more people – five of them civilians, in the city’s Seba Tamit area.

Extrajudicial killings in Ethiopia have emerged as a grave concern, reflecting a troubling pattern of human rights abuses and political instability.

Reports from various human rights organisations and testimonies from affected communities paint a disturbing picture of security forces, including the military and regional paramilitary groups, engaging in unlawful executions with impunity.

The lack of accountability and transparency in investigating and prosecuting those responsible for extrajudicial killings further deepens mistrust in governmental institutions and undermines the rule of law, leading to a cycle of violence and impunity.

It is important to note that extrajudicial executions are violations of the right to life guaranteed by international human rights law.

Development Diaries calls on the government of Ethiopia to begin investigations into violations of human rights, amidst the ongoing armed conflict in Bahir Dar and the Amhara region.

We also call on Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to order the release of everyone detained and ensure that Ethiopia respects its human rights commitment.

Photo source: Yonatan Zebidewos


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