Attend: Africa Media Forum in South Africa

Dateline: 9-11 November 2015

The African Media Leaders Forum (AMLF) 2015 is expected to present a critical look at the changing nature of media in a digital environment.

According to a statement issued by the organisers, the event, which takes place from 9-11 November 2015 in Johannesburg, South Africa, will feature media industry players at the forefront of using digital technology to transform the continent’s media landscape.

Leading media innovators from across Africa and the world have been invited to share their experiences, as well as showcase their projects, services and products at the three-day event, the communiqué reads in part.

It said this year’s programme also seeks to delve into the role of the African media in helping the continent deal with its development challenges.

Africa Media Forum

Delegates will have an opportunity to define the role of the media in shaping and informing conversations on development, as the continent tackles rapid economic growth, morphing political landscapes, and technological innovations.

This will be the AMLF’s first convention in Southern Africa in its eight-year history.

The forum will be co-chaired by Jay Naidoo, Chair of the Partnership Council of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), and Bineta Diop, Founder and President, Femmes Africa Solidarité and Special Envoy for Women, Peace and Security of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission.


Source: Star Africa


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