Apply: UNOPS Community Engagement Associate

Deadline: 16 August, 2021

Location: Port Sudan, Sudan

UNOPS mission is to serve people in need by expanding the ability of the United Nations, governments and other partners to manage projects, infrastructure, and procurement in a sustainable and efficient manner.


  • Introduce the project to government authorities and local communities
  • Design community engagement strategy and implementation plan, ensuring that participatory methods are used to include community in planning and design
  • Support the project manager in updating the stakeholders engagement strategy
  • Identify and engage potential beneficiaries, generate a profile of the beneficiaries, and develop a database of all the beneficiaries
  • Monitor and coordinate the progress of the government work concerning the household connection to the water distribution networks, ensuring that both the UNOPS work and the government work achieve the streamlined progress through timely communication and follow-up
  • Lead in creating awareness in the communities on project goals through various activities in liaison with the project manager and other stakeholders
  • Sensitise community about WASH and empower them through team approach by organising project-related activities


  • University degree or equivalent in Economics, Social Sciences, or a related filed
  • Five years, minimum, of work experience, including three years, minimum, in an area related to community engagement and outreach
  • Knowledge of UN policies, procedures and operations will be a plus
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, including patience, diligence, diplomacy, willingness to listen, and respect for colleagues
  • Ability to liaise with members of local communities in a mature manner
  • Fluency in English and Arabic

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: ICT Authority


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