Apply: STG Policy Leader Fellowship

Deadline: 25 January, 2023

The Florence School of Transnational Governance (STG) has opened applications for the Policy Leader Fellowship.

The fellowship is a residential programme for mid-career policy professionals from a range of policy fields: politics, civil service, media, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).


  • Basic grant of €2,500 per month
  • Travel expenses covered
  • Family allowances up to €300/month for partners
  • Live and learn in the historic city of Florence, Italy


  • Applicants must be mid-career professionals able to demonstrate solid professional experience (minimum ten years) and potential for future excellence in a given policy area
  • Applicants must be able to autonomously accomplish the activities presented under the fellowship work plan
  • Applicants must be individuals willing to engage in peer discussions on topics that may go beyond their area of expertise
  • Applicant’s field of work should be broadly aligned with the STG programmes and faculty research areas
  • Applicants are assessed on the professional substance of their work plan as well as its feasibility, applicability in a transnational policy context and potential impact
  • Applicants should be able to articulate what difference the fellowship experience will make to their professional journey as well as what they can offer to the STG

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: AWARD fellowship


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