Apply: She Began Scholarship for Women

Deadline: 28 December, 2020

She Began has announced a call for applications for the International Scholarship for Women 2021–2022.

ISW programme offers sponsorship for women studying full-time undergraduate or postdoctoral programmes in the U.S.


  • Expense on return flight is US$1600 (once in a year)
  • Undergraduate degree sponsorship is US$18,000
  • Master’s/ degree or professional degree sponsorship is US$28,000
  • Doctoral degree sponsorship is US$26,000
  • Postdoctoral degree sponsorship is US$32,000
  • Books and literature expense is US$1000 per year
  • Monthly stipend of US$1200 for an undergraduate student, US$1600 for master’s degree student, US$1800 for doctoral student and flexible package for post-doctorate student


  • Except for Iran, ISW sponsorship is available for women from any other country
  • Hold an educational grade (received abroad or in the U.S.) equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in the U.S., hold a degree equivalent to a master degree in the U.S. to apply for a doctoral grade programme, or hold a valid doctoral degree to apply for a post-doctorate position
  • Commitment on returning to home nation
  • A commitment letter needs to be signed by the candidate upon receiving the ISW scholarship
  • Be competent in English

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: She Began


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