Deadline: 30 June, 2020
SELAVIP is seeking applications to support housing projects (new housing, land title regularisation and water systems) for very poor urban families in the cities of Africa.
SELAVIP focuses on addressing extreme social emergencies faced by urban groups dwelling in precarious and unsafe conditions and places, or exposed to evictions. Many poor families cannot dream of accessing conventional housing programmes, which is why SELAVIP wants to offer them accessible alternatives.
For this year and considering the serious humanitarian crisis that the Covid-19 pandemic has created, they hope to receive innovative proposals that primarily address critical problems of sustainable housing and sanitation, to support with economic resources those who propose an effective improvement in the quality of life of the poorest of the poor.
- The maximum amount granted by the project is $72,000 (SELAVIP, therefore, reserves the right to decrease the requested amount during the project’s presentation and the number of solutions according to the budget’s availability)
- The maximum amount of SELAVIP’s contribution by New Dwelling will be $1,400 (SELAVIP will favour proposals with the lowest amount of contribution per individual new dwelling and projects that involve other sources of financing without neglecting the quality of the solution)
- At least 90 percent of the financial resources provided by SELAVIP should be used for the purchase of materials (in the case of land titles regularisation, 100 percent of the resources will be used for the preparation and submission of the paperwork to the local authorities)
- SELAVIP will not consider projects whose total cost is less than $20,000 (except land regularisation related projects) since they want to ensure a certain impact in the communities
- All non-profit and legally incorporated private and public institutions, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), foundations, and religious organisations may answer the call
- All the projects should propose initiatives that meet housing and sanitation needs from urban families in developing countries, from housing production or slum improvement to promotion of community-based processes to secure shelter
- If a project centres on housing production or building, it should, if possible, explore new and realistic strategies to access basic housing or correct the most serious housing deficiencies
- Two-storey solutions will be highly valued, especially in urban areas where land is scarce
- It is desirable that the project could generate community processes that make habitat improvement sustainable and promote innovative policies based on the experiences developed by each organisation, the sustainable development goals delivered by the UN, and that local or national governments want to support
- It is important to consider that the families who will benefit from the project should participate in all the processes, both in the elaboration and in the subsequent execution of the project, in order to guarantee that the project responds to the real needs of the families to be supported
- The contribution from SELAVIP is free for the beneficiaries and must be used solely for the selected project
- The projects that will be selected will require a document to be signed by each family (beneficiary of the project) in which each family confirms their active participation in the project and acknowledges that the SELAVIP’s contribution is free for them, meaning they will not be asked for any reimbursement or refund
To apply and for more information, click here.
Photo source: Needpix