Apply: Pro Helvetia Johannesburg Breathing Space

Deadline: 31 August, 2020

Applications are now open for the Pro Helvetia Johannesburg Breathing Space Grant 2020 for African artistes and artists.

Pro Helvetia, according to a post on its website, see in equal measure both the emergence of possibilities for rapid and transformative change and the deepening of existing fractures and injustices.

Against this backdrop, the present call looks to enable a modest ‘breathing space’ for arts practitioners, organisations and networks across the subcontinent to rethink ways of working and reimagine the shape and position of cultural and creative work.

The call is intended to open up opportunities to experiment with new possibilities and formats for artistic production, exchange, collaboration, presentation and reception, responsive to the complex demands of the present time at both a very local and global level.


  • Grant is between $2,100 and $10,500


  • Open to artistes, artists, collectives and organisations from across the African continent, excluding North Africa (which is covered by a parallel call from Pro Helvetia’s Cairo office)
  • Specifically open to music, performing arts, visual arts, literature, design and interactive media, and inter-disciplinary work
  • Only one application per individual/organisation

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: Pro Helvetia


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