Apply: Plan International MERL Specialist

Deadline: 22 October, 2020

Location: Abuja, Nigeria

Plan International is seeking to fill the role of Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Specialist.

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.


  • Provide ongoing online and on-site technical support and oversight to the countries to ensure quality design and implementation of project monitoring and evaluation frameworks
  • Maintain updated and reliable indicators performance tracking table for the Lake Chad programme
  • Analyse and produce a quarterly report on the progress of the performance indicators for the Lake Chad programme
  • Design ToR and lead studies and evaluations
  • Conduct periodic data quality control measures and propose and implement actions to strengthen the existing monitoring and evaluation systems in the countries
  • Promote innovative approaches and tools to improve effectiveness and efficiency
  • Support Lake Chad programme manager in review of Lake Chad programme strategy and country response plans for integration of effective MERL measures
  • Ensure effective implementation of the MERL standards in the Lake Chad region
  • Support the development and establishment of complaints and feedback mechanisms throughout the Lake Chad response programme and the programme implementation in line with the core humanitarian standard
  • Produce a quarterly report on the complaints and feedback collected for the Lake Chad programme
  • Coach and mentor country-level MERL staff to leverage lessons learnt, best practices, programme data, evaluations and provide evidence -based information, proposal annexes, success stories, case studies and other high quality, results-based documentation
  • Support capacity development of MERL specialists at CO level in alignment with relevant programme and MERL policies and standards in DRM context
  • Prepare and facilitate regular MERL Lake Chad network meetings
  • Conducts staff training on high quality monitoring, evaluation and research processes in DRM context
  • DRM aspect of the MERL work is improved in west and central Africa
  • Support regional gender transformative research projects (including conduct of literature reviews, writing of concepts notes and ToR, guidance and supervision of consultants, report reviews)
  • Disseminate research results (writing of abstracts and summary papers, presentations at conferences and workshops, designing of dissemination material)
  • Document and disseminate internally good practices on MER and programme quality in DRM context


  • Master’s degree in Social Sciences or equivalent (Demography, Measurement, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Development or Humanitarian Studies)
  • Five years, minimum, of experience in monitoring, evaluation and research functions including knowledge management
  • Understanding of the international humanitarian system, international humanitarian standards (Sphere, INEE, CPIE, CHS)
  • Knowledge of theories of rights-based programming and child protection (programmatic and safeguarding)
  • Knowledge of the Lake Chad context, including trends, challenges and opportunities and implications to community development as well as social cohesion, is an advantage
  • Demonstrated experience as a development or humanitarian professional in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating programmes
  • Knowledgeable on participatory MER tools and systems
  • Knowledgeable on tool design for qualitative and quantitative research

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: Plan International


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