Apply: Plan International MEC Officer

Deadline: Ongoing

Location: Nampula, Mozambique

Plan International is seeking to fill the role of Monitoring and Evaluation and Communication Officer.

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.


  • Develop comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework, plans, tools/instruments and database in compliance with Plan International standards
  • Develop and implement project monitoring plans
  • Work with project team members, the local government and cluster to ensure data is collected, processed, analysed and presented for the community audience to identify and make informed decisions on challenges in achieving projects outcomes
  • Ensure quality control of data and information collected through the development and/or review of tools for the data collection in accordance with the logical frameworks of emergency projects
  • Ensure the purpose of the monitoring and evaluation framework is achieved and enabling decision making on the project progression and development
  • Ensure high-quality implementation, in close collaboration with the project manager, monitoring and evaluation officer, field-based team, monitoring and evaluation specialists, and consistency in protocols, information and reporting system
  • Document and disseminate results and best practices on project-related lessons learnt to inform decision making
  • Ensure timely and high quality monitoring and evaluation reports are produced
  • Identify data sources for capturing project performance and impact indicators in conjunction with the project team
  • Prepare regular monitoring and evaluation project reports and assist in the preparation of project monthly, quarterly and annual reports
  • Report results of monitoring and evaluation activities by providing written documentation about progress toward achieving indicators/targets
  • Provide support to ensure relevant data are entered into organisation-wide data management system designed to capture, analyse, and disseminate project data and share with focal person monthly
  • Collect and authenticate all information sheets (beneficiary lists, registration forms, distribution lists, and others) for delivery of livelihood intervention services
  • Provide regular and timely feedback on project progress against planned activities, outputs and results
  • Ensure capacity building by regularly training staff and partners for improved programme monitoring and evaluation
  • Provide technical leadership in operational studies (baseline, mid-term, final evaluation, case studies), and projects research process
  • Ensure quality of data through data verification procedures, including routine data quality audits
  • Support the gender and influencing and child protection activities, including other programme components with relevant evidence


  • Bachelor’s degree in Statistics, Social Sciences, Public Health or equivalent from a recognised university
  • Five years, minimum, of practical work experience in monitoring and evaluation of development and humanitarian projects
  • Three years, minimum, of experience in monitoring and evaluation position and/or programme experience in field data collection in emergencies
  • Detailed knowledge of monitoring and evaluation frameworks and monitoring and evaluation plans, systems and indicator reference sheets
  • Experience in maintaining programmatic databases
  • Good understanding of routine data quality checks/validation
  • Excellent writing and analytical skills
  • Relevant technical skills in analysing quantitative and qualitative data with excellent organisational skills
  • Initiative and ability to work independently and as a team member to coordinate and/or lead efforts to effectively meet monitoring and evaluation needs
  • Extensive knowledge of reporting procedures, best practices, guidelines, and tools for monitoring, evaluation, and learning, including impact evaluation
  • Knowledge and comfort with spreadsheet, database and statistical software (Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Epi Info, SPSS, STATA, )
  • Experience with the use of technology for data collection, including mobile phones/tablets and Global Positioning System (GPS) strongly preferred
  • Proven understanding of programming concepts and human rights approaches to development
  • Comprehensive understanding and implementation of communication for behaviour change approaches and methodologies
  • Fluency in English and Portuguese  

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: Tim Evanson


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