Apply: Plan International M and E Officer

Deadline: 10 January, 2021

Location: Bamako, Mali

Plan International is seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Monitoring and Evaluation (M and E) Officer of Break Free.

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.


  • Take ownership of the project’s logical framework matrix
  • Design a monitoring table for project indicators and fill it in with the help of other project agents
  • Coordinate the monitoring and evaluation activities of the project
  • Develop operational plans and monitoring and evaluation plans for the project
  • Set up an efficient and adapted system for collecting and analysing data under the leadership of the project manager
  • Present monthly evolution of indicators to the project manager
  • Prepare the technical report (with graphic representation) based on the data analysis and submit to the project manager
  • Contribute to the creation and sharing of knowledge by synthesising and documenting results, lessons learnt, successes and best practices, strategies and approaches and develop relevant documents for dissemination during exchange workshops and meetings


  • University degree (bac+3) in Management, Statistics, Social Sciences, or an equivalent diploma
  • Training in Project Management with specialisation in monitoring and evaluation
  • Three years, minimum, of experience in monitoring and evaluation
  • Computer skills, including Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, SPSS, Microsoft PowerPoint, and the Internet
  • Good knowledge of MARPs

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: ILRI


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