Apply: Plan International Gender Specialist

Deadline: 21 September, 2021

Location: Accra, Ghana

Plan International is seeking to fill the role of Gender and Influencing Specialist for the WISE Project.

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.


  • Lead and coordinate the project’s gender equality strategy which combines high quality programmes and bold, credible influencing to catalyse large-scale transformative change for women in the project locations
  • Lead the implementation of WISE project gender equality strategy which aims to ensure Plan International staff and key partners have the tools, skills and capacities to fulfil core WISE gender standards relevant to the needs of the beneficiaries and operating context
  • Coordinate a gender-integrated market assessment of women-friendly entrepreneurial, value chains and emerging ‘green businesses/sectors’ in the five target districts
  • Provide technical guidance on the community and policy side interventions which aim to support women to develop their entrepreneurial roles and expand perceptions and attitudes of male family members and community leaders around the productive capacities of women
  • Provide technical guidance on service and institutional side interventions
  • Coordinate gender-responsiveness audit for HerHubs and train staff and stakeholders on gender equality, gender-responsive service delivery, protection and women’s economic empowerment
  • Contribute to regular project narrative reports and communication materials in a timely manner, ensuring that implementation of gender transformative programming is clearly articulated and supported with high quality data, results and lessons
  • Work with programme staff and technical advisors to identify the technical support needs of the project and ensure this support is provided
  • Perform any other duties that may be assigned from time to time


  • Master’s degree in Gender Studies, Development Studies, Sociology
  • Five years, minimum, of solid experience in designing, implementing and monitoring gender transformative programming in the NGO/voluntary sector, particularly in economic development, agriculture support and/or enterprise development
  • Experience of developing, implementing, and monitoring gender equality strategies
  • Experience in influencing and advocacy
  • Proven track record in conducting project-based gender equality analyses, especially those that employ participatory methodologies
  • Good knowledge of women rights issues at country level and globally
  • Strong training and presentation skills

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: Plan International


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