Apply: KKCF Social Enterprise Window Grants

Deadline: 22 December, 2020

Kakuma Kalobeyei Challenge Fund (KKCF) has opened applications for Social Enterprise Window Grants.

The Social Enterprise Window specifically seeks to promote business models which increase access to water and sanitation, engage in recycling, or provide childcare services for low income families.


  • Grantees will receive between US $100,000 and US $750,000
  • Technical support will be available for successful applicants to maximise their project’s sustainability and development impact


  • Have a clear social or environmental agenda included in your governing documents
  • Reinvest a large portion of your profits into the business for sustainability purposes
  • Generate most of your income through trading activities
  • Not an NGO or government institution
  • Be transparent and accountable
  • Be legally registered as an organisation (companies limited by guarantee) or a company (limited liability company) and physically established in Kenya at the time of grant award by AECF
  • International organisations are welcome to apply but will need to be legally registered and physically established at the time of funding award
  • Business model must be in line with definition of a social enterprise
  • Have been in operation for a minimum of two years, with the ability to produce two years of audited accounts

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: KKCF


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