Apply: ILO Project Technical Officer

Deadline: 26 February, 2021

Location: Lilongwe, Malawi

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Project Technical Officer.

The mission of the ILO is to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue on work-related issues.


  • Ensure effective coordination, planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of the project within the policy and procedural requirements and guidelines established by the ILO and the donor
  • Engage effectively with ILO constituents, project partners, relevant ILO units and other stakeholders to oversee development and execution of the project’s workplan
  • Ensure synergies with other ILO projects and programmes, including the ACCEL Africa project and contribute to overall coordination of the ILO Malawi project office and oversee the work of implementing partners, service providers and external collaborators
  • Assume responsibility for the effective management of funds/budget assigned to the project
  • Supervise the work of project staff and consultants
  • Prepare periodic and ad hoc reports on the status of project planning and implementation
  • Oversee monitoring and evaluation of the project and produce and disseminate project-related knowledge materials in close collaboration with relevant ILO specialists
  • Provide technical leadership for the implementation of project objectives, outcomes, outputs and activities, and technical advisory support to ILO constituents and project partners
  • Identify capacity-building needs, organise capacity-building interventions for ILO constituents, project partners, and other project beneficiaries and target groups


  • University degree in Law, Economics, Social Sciences, Development Studies, or a related field
  • Advanced degree will be a plus
  • Five years, minimum, of professional experience in managing the implementation of development cooperation programmes, including three years, minimum, at the international level, related to employment and labour issues
  • Experience in project management relating to decent work issues in the rural economy and/or agriculture sector and/or with issues relating to fundamental principles and rights at work will be a strong advantage
  • Familiarity with ILO policies and procedures including experience working with officials of ministries of labour and/or education will be a plus
  • Ability to provide technical advice and to guide and coordinate the work of external collaborators, general service staff and young professionals in the area of specialisation
  • Ability to conceptualise and design research techniques and analyse complex cross-national practices and data set covering a wide range of issues in the specialised technical field
  • Ability to formulate new concepts and methodologies
  • Ability to draft reports and prepare guidelines relating to programme development and implementation and ability to provide technical support to senior specialists carrying out research, project formulation and implementation
  • Excellent command of English

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: ILO


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