Apply: ICFJ-Facebook Training and Reporting Grants

Deadline: 08 June, 2020

The International Centre for Journalists (ICFJ) is pleased to partner with the Facebook Journalism Project (FJP) on a training programme that allows journalists across North Africa to produce high-quality and engaging stories that shine a light on life in refugee camps at this time of the Covid-19 pandemic. The programme equips journalists with the skills, resources, and technical support needed to produce compelling reports that surface underreported stories from refugee camps across countries with large refugee communities, with emphasis on the direct and indirect consequences of Covid-19 on an already struggling community. The goal is to ensure that this vulnerable community is not forgotten during the global pandemic.


  • An intensive four-week online course that offers a combination of subject matter and technical training for professional and citizen journalists, freelancers, and stringers. The course will be offered twice to a total of 120 journalists in 2020
  • Dedicated mentorship and guidance to enable participants apply their skills and leverage their grants to produce high-quality stories
  • ICFJ will award a total of 17 grants up to a maximum of $1,500 each to help journalists cover a personal stipend as well as expenses for equipment and resources in producing in-depth, compelling stories focused on the impacts of Covid-19 on refugee communities


  • Reporters with an interest in shining a light on refugee stories, but who lack the resources and capacity
  • Media professionals working on the refugee beat
  • Journalists reporting from within refugee camps
  • Stringers and freelancers hired by local newsrooms to report on refugee communities (an increasingly common practice)

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: africa


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