Deadline: 21 July, 2023
FATE Foundation, with support from, has launched the Business Resilience Programme (BRP) for Women Entrepreneurs for 2023.
The programme is aimed at improving the digital and financial capability of female nano and micro business entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 55 years.
- Digital literacy skills
- Financial literacy and business management knowledge
- Micro-grant financing to 200 participants
- Free business registration for 200 participants
- Free access to the foundation’s business plan developer tool
- Certificate of completion
- Opportunity to be featured on FATE Foundation’s or the partner’s social media pages
- Open to female entrepreneurs who run nano (less than three employees) and micro (between four and nine employees) businesses in Nigeria
- Minimum of secondary school completion qualification
- Ability to understand and communicate in English
- Access to the internet and a smartphone device with the ability to use the device
- Special consideration will be given to women who are breadwinners, widows, and single parents
To apply and for more information, click here.
Photo source: Fate Foundation