Apply: FAO Communication Specialist

Deadline: 17 November, 2020

Location: Dakar, Senegal

Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) is seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Communication Specialist (International Consultant).

FAO is a specialised agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger.

FAO is implementing the ‘Towards sustainable management of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME)’ project in seven participating countries.


  • Update and implement the project’s communication strategy and tools for knowledge management, with emphasis on intensifying internal communication, giving enough room for liaison work and regular contacts between the RCU, national structures and OCC in FAO
  • Maintain the CCLME website consistent with IW-LEARN requirements, ensuring that information gathered and generated by the project is uploaded regularly
  • Establish linkages between the CCLME website and relevant partners and initiatives as well as with regional economic groupings (ECOWAS and NEPAD) and other relevant information systems and databases
  • Produce electronic newsletters, upload downloadable documents and images, upload presentation of lessons learnt, and include linkages to other useful sources in the project webpage
  • Map and analyse existing scientific communications platforms and opportunities for communication at regional level
  • Develop appropriate information supports to disseminate information in the region and beyond, including material targeting civil society and NGOs to raise awareness about CCLME region challenges like declining marine living resources, habitat degradation and declining water quality
  • Prepare local and national media briefs on progress, outcomes, lessons learnt and experiences of the project for both newspapers and radio of CCLME countries
  • Disseminate information on progress, outcomes, lessons learnt and experience from the project
  • Contribute to the preparation of the communication aspects of the symposium to present and disseminate all scientific findings
  • Contribute to the development of awareness raising publications for various stakeholders


  • Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, Broadcast Communication, Visual Arts and Design, Development Communication, or related disciplines
  • Five years, minimum, of experience in fields related to the assignment
  • Working knowledge of English and French

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: Charles Haynes


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