Apply: Duke-UNICEF Innovation Programme

Deadline: 05 March, 2021

Duke-UNICEF has opened applications for Innovation Accelerator Programme.

The Duke-UNICEF Innovation Accelerator was established to help social entrepreneurs acquire the knowledge, tools, and networks necessary to improve the lives of children around the world.

The goal of the programme is to increase the effectiveness, sustainability, and scale of impact of some of the most promising solutions to critical challenges facing the world’s children.

Ultimately, the programme supports UNICEF’s goal to give a fair chance in life to every child, everywhere, especially the most disadvantaged ones.


  • $25,000 one-time grant
  • Personalised coaching from social enterprise experts at Duke University and field experts from UNICEF
  • Bespoke mentoring
  • Customised capacity building curriculum
  • Duke University student support


  • Open to a nonprofit, hybrid, or for-profit social enterprise
  • Applicant should have two founders/executives/senior leaders that can represent the enterprise over the course of the two-year programme
  • Applicant should have strong evidence of impact over three years, minimum, and have a plan for how to use the Duke-UNICEF award to scale that impact in the next three to five years
  • Applicant should deploy a promising sanitation and hygiene product and/or service, innovative supply chain model, business model, or other approach with potential for widespread, sustainable impact
  • Enterprise or enterprise innovation should adhere to UNICEF innovation principles
  • Applicant should be active in any country, or multiple countries, in Africa

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: UNICEF


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