Apply: CCAO Green Prize for Sustainable Africa

Deadline: 31 July, 2020

Climate Change Africa Opportunities (CCAO) and its partners are looking for approaches, startups and local initiatives from young green entrepreneurs, women and indigenous communities contributing to environmental protection in Africa.

Africa is the continent most vulnerable to climate variability and change, a situation which is compounded by the interaction between ‘multiple constraints’, including a heavy dependence on agriculture, widespread poverty and low capacity to adaptation.

Climate change, which often manifests as sharp increases in temperature, rising sea levels, changes in weather, and other extreme consequences, often causes adverse effects on human health, biodiversity and natural ecosystems, serious environmental, social and economic impacts. These represent a real challenge for indigenous populations and the socio-economic development prospects of Africa, including women and girls, who not only suffer the effects of environmental damage, but also oppression and acts of violence. which intersect in their respective situations.


  • Obtain internal connection opportunities from CCAO and its partners
  • Be considered as a potential candidate for acceleration and co-creation opportunities of CCAO and its partners
  • Participants’ projects can be integrated into CCAO and its communication campaigns, with the general public (after participants’ authorisation) and will, therefore, benefit from wide visibility
  • The winners (up to 10) of the competition will receive a prize ranging from $1,000 to $ 5,000 depending on the quality of the initiative presented


  • Applicant must have the nationality of an African country at the time of registration
  • Applicant must be between the ages of 18 and 35 at the time of registration
  • Have new ideas, startups and initiatives offering and or likely to offer services, indigenous and/or innovative technological solutions to improve African resilience to the challenges of climate change
  • Have been incorporated as a non-profit, for-profit or hybrid organisation, or have a tax sponsor
  • Fluent in English and/or French (the winners may be involved in activities that require a good command of English or French

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: CCAO


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